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Training about fake news and its impact on the mental health of young people held in Kemer-Antalya

The Jamaal Foundation in collaboration with the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union organized a nine-day media training program between October 23 and October 31 in the picturesque town of Kemer-Antalya, Turkey.
This remarkable training aimed to shed light on the perils of fake news and its impact on the mental health of young people.

Participants from various corners of Europe eagerly gathered to partake in this enlightening experience. Among them were individuals hailing from Holland, Finland, Macedonia, Italy, Georgia, and Poland. Together, they formed a diverse group with a shared passion for combating misinformation.

Under the guidance of two esteemed trainers, Ekaterine Kobakhidze and Anna, the participants delved into the intricacies of fake news and its consequences.
The training sessions were held at the exquisite Rich Mellesa Hotel, which provided an ideal setting for immersive learning and collaboration.

As the training commenced, Abdishakur Elmi, the Chairman of Jamaal Foundation, took the stage and delivered an inspiring opening speech. He emphasized the significance of addressing the pervasive issue of fake news, highlighting its potent impact on the lives of young people. With a sense of purpose and determination, he urged the participants to find effective solutions to combat misinformation and safeguard their mental well-being.

Over the course of the nine days, the training sessions were a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises.
Ekaterine and Anna skillfully imparted their wisdom, sharing insights on media literacy, fact-checking techniques, and critical thinking skills. Engaging discussions and interactive activities fostered an environment of active learning, enabling the participants to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

As the days unfolded, bonds were formed, and friendships blossomed among the participants. They exchanged stories, perspectives, and experiences, enriching the training with their diverse backgrounds. The cross-cultural exchange not only deepened their understanding of fake news but also cemented their commitment to combating it.

In addition to the rigorous training program, the participants had the opportunity to explore the enchanting surroundings of Kemer-Antalya during their leisure time. They immersed themselves in the local culture, savored traditional Turkish cuisine, and marveled at the natural beauty of the region. These moments of relaxation and rejuvenation provided a well-rounded experience, allowing the participants to recharge their minds and spirits.

The closing ceremony of the nine-day training was a bittersweet affair. Participants bid farewell to their newfound friends, but they departed with a renewed sense of purpose. Armed with knowledge and a shared mission, they returned to their respective countries, ready to make a difference in the fight against fake news.
The impact of the media training reverberated across borders as the participants applied their newfound skills and insights in their communities. Empowered by their experience in Kemer-Antalya, they became beacons of truth, advocates for media literacy, and defenders of mental well-being.

And so, the nine-day media training organized by the Jamaal Foundation and the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union left an indelible mark on the lives of those who participated. With Ekaterine Kobakhidze and Anna as their guides and mentors, the participants embarked on a journey of knowledge, self-discovery, and empowerment. As they stepped into a future shaped by their collective efforts, the impact of their learnings would resonate for years to come, ensuring a brighter, more informed world for generations to follow.

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