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GEDAN elects new leadership

The Association of Diaspora Organizations of GalMudug in Europe (GEDAN) had new leadership as the members had an assembly meeting in Kemer-Antalya, Turkey on 29 October 2023 and elected Hussien Mohamed (Khadib) to be the chairman along with his deputy Adan Ibrahim for the next four years.

Among the other elected members are the Secretary and the Accountant. During the session, the newly elected board of committee gave their speech showing their willingness for good management and transparency.

Former Chairman of the umbrella, Farah Aden Yusuf welcomed the newly elected board of management and said he will closely work with them.

Farah Aden Yusuf, who was the founder of the umbrella, gave a valuable speech at the meeting, explaining the stages that GEDAN has gone through, on the other hand, he congratulated the new committee and urged them to unite the GalMudug community in Europe.

“The member organizations in GEDAN based in European countries have been active for three years, all thanks to God, we have done a lot of work to unite the strength, mind, and intellectual thinking of Galmudug in Europe. We have succeeded until and tonight we elected Hussein Khadhib as the new chairman of the umbrella. I am confident that he will speed up the activities of the umbrella,” said Farah while thanking the individuals he described as friends of the umbrella who would not have reached where they are now.

“I would like to thank the PEDAN umbrella for supporting us, I am especially grateful to Abd Fitah Janna-gale, Hussein Dahir Ibrahim, Mohamed Madar and Abdirisaq Sheikh Adoon, and my Gedan will not forget the reward,” he said—former Governor Farah Dheere.

The Vice President of Galmudug Ali Eid, who participated in the event by telephone, thanked the new Governor Hussein Khadhib and his executive committee, and described Hussein as a hard worker.

“If you are in Gedan, the Government of Galmudug stands by you and its door is open to you. The least that is expected of you is that the cities where you live and the cities of Galmudug are twinned,” said Ali Eid, noting on the other hand that the development of each area is due to the people who come from the education.

The program was coordinated by Mohamed Ali, the chairman of the African-European Development Agency, and he encouraged the new board to lead as much as possible in the development of GalMudug.

“I am happy to attend the meeting to elect the new board of Gedan. I congratulate the new chairman to join God, it is a new responsibility,” said Mohamed Ali.

The deputy chairman of the umbrella, Adan Ibrahim Haji, who is one of the academics who founded the umbrella, said that their committee is committed to unite the minds of GalMudug people in Europe. Then they will focus on the development of GalMudug areas.

“The purpose of establishing GEDAN was to understand and sympathize with how the people of GalMudug can access the services that are important for human life, first of all health, education and to raise public awareness. Gedan will focus on wherever it contributes to the development of economic infrastructure,” Adan Ibrahim said, showing his appreciation to the former Chairman Farah Yusuf, who he described as a person who sacrificed his life for the GEDAN umbrella.

The former accountant of GEDAN Hassan Liisho, who was elected to the position again, and one of the founders of GEDAN, stressed that it is time for GalMudug communities to show solidarity.

Senior writer Abdiasis Ali Ibrahim (Abdasis MP), who was the spokesperson of the Ministry of Security of the Government of former prime minister Hassan Ali Kheyre, played a major role in the organization and coordination of this meeting, encouraging the new committee to open a new page for the development of GalMudug areas, through It takes investing in the minds of young people.

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